It takes support of people many to make our organization run smoothly. There are always volunteer opportunities available that require no football or cheerleading experience, but play a critical role in making our organization successful.

It’s a win-win situation: Without the assistance of our membership, it would be impossible for us to provide our athletes with successful and meaningful football and cheer experiences, and our that families get involved one way or another, turn into more than just acquaintances! Getting involved makes the season more fun for everyone – the kids in the program, their parents an siblings, the coaches, and everyone in between.

We always need volunteers to help out on game days in areas such as the Snack Shack or on the sidelines, and there are Board Appointed positions available for those that are willing and able to put in a little extra time helping out.

More information about volunteer opportunities will be available at the start of the new football and cheer season.

Board Appointed Positions

Volunteer Coordinator: Open for Fall 2024 Season

Concessions Coordinator: Open for Fall 2024 Season

Team Parents: Open for Fall 2024 Season


CORI Request Form